Big Steps Forward

Melos Expands with Spotify and Apple TestFlight!

I am excited to share some significant milestones for Melos (potentially renaming to Candace) and our community of music lovers and tech enthusiasts!

Spotify Quota Extension

In our mission to deliver a deeply personalized music experience, we've applied for a quota extension with Spotify. This extension will enable us to scale our services and include more users in our beta program, offering an unmatched level of personalization based on mood and recent listening history, powered by AI.

Apple TestFlight Public Beta Submission

In tandem with our Spotify application, we have also submitted a beta build of Melos to Apple for public beta review on TestFlight. This step is crucial for us to ensure that the app not only meets our high standards but also conforms to Apple's stringent review processes.

Join Our Beta Program

Once we receive approval from Spotify and Apple, we will be opening up our beta program to the public. This is where we need your help! If you're interested in shaping the future of personalized music streaming, join our beta program and provide us with valuable feedback that will help us refine and perfect the Melos experience.

Currently Testing

We're not waiting around! While the reviews are underway, we have a dedicated group of 5 users who are already testing Melos using internal testing programs. Their insights and feedback are proving invaluable in preparing the app for a wider release.

Stay Tuned!

If you're as excited as we are about revolutionizing the way we experience music, stay tuned! We'll provide updates as soon as we receive feedback from Spotify and Apple. Get ready to be part of something groundbreaking—be sure to follow us here and subscribe to our updates to not miss your chance to join the Melos beta community.

Thank you to everyone who has supported us on this journey. We are on the brink of something big, and we can't wait to share it with the world!