Launching my Tech Journey Blog

Introduction to my new blog, where I'll be sharing my learning journey in computer science and technology.

Welcome to My Blog!

Hi there! I'm Puneet, and this is the first post on my new blog. As someone who is passionate about computer science and technology, I've decided to start sharing my learning journey here. My goal is to write regularly—hopefully every day, or at least a few times a week.

Why I Started This Blog

There are so many things happening in the tech world every day, and keeping up can be quite the challenge. I realized that by writing about what I learn, not only could I reinforce my own understanding, but I could also share knowledge with others who might find these insights helpful.

What to Expect

Most of my posts will revolve around computer science topics, including:

  • Web Development: Deep dives into new and exciting frameworks or nuances I come across.
  • Software Engineering: Tips and tricks, plus nuances I learn about technologies I use.
  • Problem Solving: Occasionally, I'll post about my experience solving problems on LeetCode, which could be helpful for those prepping for technical interviews.

Beyond Code

While the main focus will be on CS, I'm also a curious person by nature, so don't be surprised if you find posts about random but fascinating topics outside the tech sphere.

Stay Tuned!

I'm excited to start this journey and even more excited to have you join me. Feel free to email, suggest topics, or ask questions. Let's make this a space for learning and growth.